Tuesday, August 01, 2006

See? Isn't that so much nicer? The page is a bit boring still, and I can't add the latest tunes I'm listening to with the push of a button, BUT I don't have to deal with the loading problems OR the annoying banners for true dot com.

Or, for that matter, the banners that urge me to "race the shark, get a ringtone" or "egg superbush, get a free ringtone," but I digress.

Remember these guys?

It's the namesakes of my softball team . . . who lost AGAIN tonight. Last game of the season; we were up 11 to nothing, and we lost. This, my friends, is the very definition of choking. Maybe I've made this joke already, but we probably shouldn't have named our team after supervillains because supervillains never win. They may win battles occasionally in the comix, but they certainly never do in saturday morning cartoons. I mean, what would the children think? Be bad, get ahead in the world? This seems like a bad lesson. And so, in order to be true to the actual Legion, we must never win.

It's for the children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tyler,

Your sister here. I'm glad you switched over because I didn't want to open a MySpace account for reasons I will not disclose in this venue. Anyhoo...I may be adding my one ruble worth on your pages from time to time. I'm sorry your team lost but from the sounds of it, it serves you right for naming your team after villains. Yes, save the children!