Thursday, August 17, 2006


Didn't have my trusty hand-Canon with me while Katie was playing in the playhouse, so the RAZR had to do. Pretty gosh-darn cute, eh?

Played a few holes at the local par 3 golf course today; on average, I hit two strokes over on each hole. While this may frustrate more seasoned golfers, I thought this wasn't too bad considering I haven't touched a club since 1999. Plus, a par 3 doesn't really allow me to stretch out my monster swing so I had that against me. Anyway, it was nice to be out with my dad and my brother. I don't often get the chance to spend time with them so it was a real treat.

Took a walk this evening with my niece, Rebecca. We went looking for animals. Deer materialized out of the forest almost instantly once we hit the main road; they were quickly followed by squirrels and cranky, snoozing birds. As we kept walking, Rebecca told me in a hushed, excited tone that she hoped we'd see leopards or cows next. I said, maybe we'd see turtles. She said, or maybe sheep.
Or lions.
Rarrr, she said, Big Lions.
I roared, RAAAARRR!
Or little lions.
rar, I whispered, or bears.
Yeah, or elephants!
Or chipmunks.
Or dolphins.
Or gorillas - I beat my chest and grunted.
Or monkeys, she said as she leaped and ooch ooched.
Or snakes.
Or sheep, she said again.

We didn't see any sheep, but as twilight settled over the woods, the bats began to appear. Some flew quite close and Rebecca was enamored. Lookit, Uncle Ty-yer! That's so co-o-o-ol! Lookit, there's three of them! There's more than that . . . look! W-O-W!
After watching the bats swoop and dive for some time, we turned and made our way home. As we walked, we practiced our sneezes. She performed the classic ah-ah-AH-CHOO! quite well and I enacted some lesser-known oddities to the toddler set. She laughed and said, I like you, Uncle Ty-yer.

I like you, too, Rebecca.

My mom met us at the top of her driveway with an LED headlamp on her head. It was dark enough for her to wonder what became of her youngest offspring and eldest grandkid, so she came looking for us. I love my Mom.

It's been a good day.

1 comment:

South Pas Blogs said...

When you gonna drop Magnum on us, Buddy?